
Beware! Playing Pranks Can Backfire…Hilarious!!

Sometimes… Just sometime… people don’t find pranks funny.

When that happens, you better get out of there QUICK!

Nice Wife - Vodka Commercial - Very Funny

Someone found out womans secret to being the perfect housewife

 and keeping home spotless!

Watch the video:  Source : Nice Wife...

The Ultimate Girls Fail Compilation 2013

Someone needs to invent a special type
of shoe for women because they obviously don't know how to balance.

This girl has no fear

She puts herself in danger walking and

 playing with lions and with group of Cheetahs.

Watch the video


Sam Faiers is named best bikini body of 2013

TOWIE beauty Sam Faiers has been named the celebrity with the best bikini body of 2013.

The star fought off tough competition, including from love rival Amy Willerton and superstar Rhianna, to scoop the title

The survey asked 680 women to name the celebrity whose body they’d most love to be able to flaunt on the beach - and Sam took a fifth (20 per cent) of the vote.

Lion chases wildebeest calf, with amazing surprise ending!

A lion chases down a baby

wildebeest and you would think you could

guess the outcome, but wait for the incredible twist ending.

Helicopter footage shows planes and cars submerged in Surrey

Helicopter footage
shows the extreme weather that has hit parts
of Britain as planes and cars are submerged in water.

Woman caught on camera stealing a Christmas tree from a CARE HOME for vulnerable people

A woman has been caught on CCTV allegedly stealing a Christmas tree from a care home.

Police are searching for the 'callous' woman who was captured on camera walking into sheltered accommodation for vulnerable adults in Camberwell, south-east London.

She was caught on CCTV on the evening of December 16 after she had pretended to be visiting someone who did not know her.

Miley Cyrus shows off some her best moves backstage

Singer and actress Miley Cyrus strides through a door,
fist pumping the air before poking her bottom out

 and giving it a slap as she posed provocatively to the camera.

Rihanna shows how to shake it at steamy lingerie party

Rihanna is enjoying Christmas in Barbados where

 it was warm enough for her and pals to wear

 lingerie to a steamy Christmas party.

A death match between alligator and python

A death between alligator and python was shown in some pictures that were posted on Facebook page

Watch the video:

Kelly Brook releases bucket of water over herself in spa

Underwear model and presenter Kelly Brook has shared a video of herself online where she appears to release a cold bucket of water over her bikini-clad body in the middle of a health spa

Best Fails of the Week

I just hope no one was

 hurt in the making of these videos

3-Year-Old Boy Diving Down To Get His Toy

William playing with his Toypedo brand torpedo

at the pool without fins. He is 3y 2mo in this video.

Depth at this part of the pool is about 5ft. Check out his other video down to 9ft.

Brain-damaged man kept in a cage by his mother

A brain-damaged man has been in

 cage by his mother at her house for 40 years. He was at the age six when his mother for the first time kept him there.

Forget smartphones... introducing the SMARTY RING

The Smarty Ring controls your Smart phone. Forget tapping phone screen,

get instant alerts right on your finger.

The Best intelligent truck driver Ever!!

So now when has to take it out, he needs to pop the clutch, or have some

super heavy duty forklift or clamper!


Here are some machines that are so enormous that they'll screw

 with your sense of what's large..

The floating hotel: Spanish designer turns skyscraper into a flying pleasure palace

Designed by Victor Enrich Tarres, from Barcelona, Spain, the images show how a hotel in Munich was turned into dozens of abstract pieces of art. The project took six months to complete as the mere rendering of the buildings' shapes took five months to finish. Tarres created 88 different versions of the hotel skyscraper, one of the tallest in the city.

Best Wins of 2013

Best Wins of 2013 - Watch this amazing video...

New Truck Crashes Compilation 2013

The latest complete truck crash video compilation 2013 around the

 world with original sound only

This thing eats everything

Wouldn't like to fall there...

Goats Escape Avalanches

After the first group of Chamois goats escapes the avalanche near Pralognan-la-Vanoise in the Rhône-Alpes,

 France, you think that the second group are goners, but then the miracle happens and they all survive. Yay goats!

Extreme Trucking - Big Trucks in the world

It is really neat to see the different ways of managing very large loads.

Also to see the different steering systems.