
14-yr old boy for 25 000 dollars planned attack in Vienna!

He, with his arrest two days ago, admitted that unknown persons via the Internet promised 25 thousand dollars, and membership in the jihad in Syria if successfully implemented a series of bomb attacks.

Vienna Westbahnhof railway station was one of the targets for terrorist attack of Australian 14-year-old with Turkish origin. He, with his arrest two days ago, admitted that unknown persons via the Internet promised 25 thousand dollars, and membership in the jihad in Syria if successfully implemented a series of bomb attacks in the Austrian capital. He also acknowledged that via Internet was gathering information in order to manufacture bombs. And discovered that the bombs had planned to set the frequency of public places such as railway station daily circulation up to 40 thousand people.

He was a strong supporter of the Islamic state. Although he shows signs of radicalism, his family and friends did not believe he was able to carry out terrorist attacks only because of the strong desire to become part of the Islamic state. At the request of state prosecutors from St. Pelt boy is already in custody, and the investigation leads him from the beginning of this month.