
Five diseases that we can prevent with coffee

Caffeine may be the enemy of health, but only in case of abuse. The coffee has many benefits for the body and prove it!
Do not ask apology for another cup of coffee, and head held proudly prepare cup fragrance, filled with useful materials.
Drinking coffee helps to prevent various diseases. Diseases that can easily be kept away from him just by drinking a cup or two of coffee a day:

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most invasive neuro-degenerative diseases in the world. It is the most common cause of dementia.
Research conducted at the University in Finland found that people who regularly consume 2-3 cups of coffee a day have a 65% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than those who do not do it.
The content of caffeine suppresses the accumulation of amyloid plaques in the brain and nodes which are the two main features of Alzheimer's disease.

Skin Cancer
According to a survey conducted by the National Cancer Institute in the United States, drinking four cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of the most severe type of skin cancer - malignant melanoma.
The risk of depression can be reduced dramatically if you drink coffee regularly. They find researchers. Research conducted on 50 000 women aged between 35 and 50 years showed that the risk of depression is reduced by 15% thanks to the coffee.

Diabetes type 2 constitutes between 90 and 95% of cases of diabetes in adults in general.
I'll give an example of made a big study that covers about 450 000 people. The conclusions of the study are that in these cases, the coffee can be good medicine for prevention.
Everyday drinking just one cup of coffee helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes coffee, chlorogenic acid and caffeine are the main ingredients of coffee. The mix of these three things make coffee extremely useful against diabetes.

Premature death
It is true that death is not a disease, but simply fatal. But we can try to do something to delay possible. The risk of early death can be reduced by 10 to 15% by drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day.
The evidence for this claim is taken from another extensive research conducted on 400 000 Americans aged between 50 and 70 years.
Scientists confirm that the antioxidants in coffee, protect the body from free radicals.

Facebook introduced Riff - applications to share videos with friends

The past few weeks, often we read something new from the biggest social network, Facebook. This week they continue with the news, and presented a new application designed to share videos with friends.

The application is available for users of Android and iOS and is called Riff. Ways of dealing with the application is simple. Log into your Facebook account and record video which is limited to 20 seconds. This video is available for your friends who have the application, and you can share it on Facebook or anywhere else. For video specify certain marks, depending on their subject.

What makes this application is pretty specific idea of ​​your friends shoot their video and attach it as part of your, or as a kind of response. After the addition of video from your friends with the same designation, their friends can see it, but the idea is the circle of people are more and more spread.

An example of a series of videos made by Facebook, you can see through the following link. The application can be downloaded through shopping for apps on Android and iOS.

Nine reasons why the iPhone is better than Android

If you what to buy smartphone, iPhone or Android, journalist Steve Kovach of Business Insider present 9 reasons why you should opt for a smartphone from Apple.

1. iPhone handsets first to receive the best applications

Although iPhone smartphones percentage less used, developers still make first applications for iOS. Of course, almost the same applications has for Android, but the quality of the design and functionality are smaller.

2. Better look

With few exceptions, the market has little Android mobile that look as good as the iPhone. Many of them are quite large and plastic.

3. Payment with iPhone spread very quickly

Apple Pay is at an early stage of development, but Apple is the first company that developed the payment by phone. Simple to use and accepted by major shopping chains.

4. Apple Store has great customer support

You can not beat Apple Store when it comes to customer support. Where do you go when you have a problem with the Android phone? Many in their mobile operators do not have that support. Whether you have a specific problem or just want to learn to better use, Apple informs you best.

5. Soon his home you can control via iPhone

Smart home platform named HomeKit this year will be particularly emphasized. HomeKit lets you control things in the house as light, heating, lock, unlock, etc by using your iPhone or iPad.

6. Parents have a better control over the applications that use their children

In iOS 8 Family Sharing option that allows the family to share a variety of applications, books and other content, but also allows you to restrict the use of certain applications on other devices in the event to be inappropriate for your children.

7. None of Android is not equal to the sensor to unlock the finger

Some manufacturers of Android phones, like Samsung i HTC, tried to add a sensor to unlock the footprint, but none is sufficiently accurate.

8. Few Android mobile can compete camera iPhone 6

The market has few smartphones that have the same quality camera like the iPhone 6, that only Samsung Galaxy Note 4 stands out among the better. The camera on the iPhone 6 is especially high quality and has features that no other Android phones.

9. Always have the latest software

The new version of Android is published once a year, just like software for the iPhone, but the difference is that much of Android users can get the latest software, unless you buy a new phone. iPhone-enabled is different, ie all models receive latest updates to iOS soon be released by Apple

How much memory does have a Galaxy S6?

Promotional materials and the announcement of the new models of smart phones from Samsung, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge company claimed that at both implemented a 32 GB memory, versus 16 GB memory that was previously standard. However, things are not as they seem ...

In initial tests, the user will get dramatically less memory of 32GB. Those who have tried it say that the device is available only 23,5GB, which is 27% less than the total memory. An additional problem is that you do not have a slot for MicroSD card as the previous models, so you may need to purchase a variant with 64 GB memory.

Although the Samsung TouchWiz interface becomes simpler and less accumulated, however it does not apply to the size that takes the phone, especially after several apdejtiranja. Iskombinirajte this by formatting the memory, and user applications and documents (photos, video) and promised 32GB memory pretty quickly disappears.

Of course, this can not blame only Samsung. As technology and operating systems advance, the demand for data space increases. The same problem faces new HTC One M9, instead of 32GB, the user gives a real 32GB of use.

30 years of .com

The first .com domain was registered on 15 March 1985, the manufacturer of computers Symbolics Inc.
The site now leads an investment group and offers a "unique and interesting facts about the business and Internet history." 30 years ago, was born .com Internet domain. Besides this domain, use .gov for government sites, .edu for education, .mil for military sites and .org for organizations. Addresses ending in .com can register wishing, though suffix means "commercial".

Although other domains are created before him, .com domain is that it moves the Internet, has launched the careers of countless millionaires, radically reforming the world economy and incorporate in our everyday speech and life. The year was created, were registered yet only 5 other domains.

 Within two years were registered the first 100, and the period of 1995 to 2000 is known as the "dot-com bubble", when registering domains increased from 9005 to more than 20 million. This domain defined an entire era, and had such a big impact even controversial hacker and web entrepreneur Kim Schmitz changed surname in the dot-com as a kind of tribute to what made him rich. New .com domains registered every second, and currently has about 115 million. The most expensive domain ever bought was a, which in 2009 was purchased at a cost of 16 million dollars.

Honda will install Android in their cars and Ice Cream Sandwich !?

Car manufacturers lag a few years when it comes to entertainment systems inside the vehicle, and that is especially true of the cheaper models.

Those who have tried such a system, you probably know how counter intuitive and difficult to use, and particularly slow, as an older mobile phone. Also, many of them still use restrictive touch screen that requires a strong push with your finger and do not allow touching on several points.

Honda, one of the largest manufacturers decided to improve things by incorporating Android in the new Civic, but whether it is the right move? First, the version of Android that is built is Ice Cream Sandwich, which reigned three years, and secondly, the interface is almost equally in one tablet. And such an interface, in the car, almost never fails. The chip is the Nvidia Tegra, but stated exactly who, although according to the version of the operating system, it is possible it is much older.

Despite this, the system has a good feature, but it is the use of the mobile phone, the big screen in the car. Simple, smart phone connects to the HDMI cable and then you can use all of its applications and its user interface. This means that you can use iOS and Windows Phone devices that have built-in HDMI output. Fine.

However, one thing is clear in the whole situation, and that is why Honda opted ordinary Android, when Google has already launched Android Auto as a software solution designed exclusively for cars. Or for Apple Car Play or Microsoft Sync, which are already developed software for cars.

I seem to spend some time while the world of cars catching mobile technology in terms of multimedia features, although more expensive models already emerging multimedia systems that are quick and easy to use.

How is made Apple Watch??

While all manufacturers proudly publicly present their production processes, Apple has made its innermost can. And really pleasantly surprised videos that explain the manufacturing of Apple Watch, but they only suggest not reveal that secrets of crafting. We will try to clarify the most important details that you just mentioned, and the most important.

Gold As Tim Cook announced in September announcement for "custom gold alloy", 18-carat gold which made Apple Watch has confirmed more resistant to scratches than normal 18-carat gold. To achieve this, Apple has created a new alloy that Sam mixing gold with ceramics characterizes revolutionary and internal structure in the form of a metal matrix. '

This results in high strength while the volume of housing takes less gold, which achieves savings in production costs. Stainless steel Instead of experimenting, Apple plays it safe when it comes to steel and like all other manufacturers of watches for their Apple Watch uses surgical stainless steel, specifically 316L Stainless Steel. The choice is logical, because the surgical stainless steel family high gloss, high strength and wear resistance, does not cause allergic reactions to nickel.

Thus, ensuring usability for everyone, think of all the possible obstacles in the exploitation of Apple Watch. Just like the ancient Japanese masters who made them by forging and Apple instead of processing by cutting them "forging" housings. Since aluminum MacBook line of laptops with aluminum uni body, via iPhone devices, to all associated widgets on the type of remote, plugs, etc. Apple has become a virtuoso in the application of aluminum. Playing safe, current 6000 alloy consisting of magnesium and silicon is substituted by a special alloy 7000 which is based on zinc. And the finish is that Apple separates light years manufacturers, and in the case of Apple Watch is predictably high.