While all manufacturers proudly publicly present their production processes, Apple has made its innermost can. And really pleasantly surprised videos that explain the manufacturing of Apple Watch, but they only suggest not reveal that secrets of crafting. We will try to clarify the most important details that you just mentioned, and the most important.
Gold As Tim Cook announced in September announcement for "custom gold alloy", 18-carat gold which made Apple Watch has confirmed more resistant to scratches than normal 18-carat gold. To achieve this, Apple has created a new alloy that Sam mixing gold with ceramics characterizes revolutionary and internal structure in the form of a metal matrix. '
This results in high strength while the volume of housing takes less gold, which achieves savings in production costs. Stainless steel Instead of experimenting, Apple plays it safe when it comes to steel and like all other manufacturers of watches for their Apple Watch uses surgical stainless steel, specifically 316L Stainless Steel. The choice is logical, because the surgical stainless steel family high gloss, high strength and wear resistance, does not cause allergic reactions to nickel.
Thus, ensuring usability for everyone, think of all the possible obstacles in the exploitation of Apple Watch. Just like the ancient Japanese masters who made them by forging and Apple instead of processing by cutting them "forging" housings. Since aluminum MacBook line of laptops with aluminum uni body, via iPhone devices, to all associated widgets on the type of remote, plugs, etc. Apple has become a virtuoso in the application of aluminum. Playing safe, current 6000 alloy consisting of magnesium and silicon is substituted by a special alloy 7000 which is based on zinc. And the finish is that Apple separates light years manufacturers, and in the case of Apple Watch is predictably high.