Promotional materials and the announcement of the new models of smart phones from Samsung, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge company claimed that at both implemented a 32 GB memory, versus 16 GB memory that was previously standard. However, things are not as they seem ...
In initial tests, the user will get dramatically less memory of 32GB. Those who have tried it say that the device is available only 23,5GB, which is 27% less than the total memory. An additional problem is that you do not have a slot for MicroSD card as the previous models, so you may need to purchase a variant with 64 GB memory.
Although the Samsung TouchWiz interface becomes simpler and less accumulated, however it does not apply to the size that takes the phone, especially after several apdejtiranja. Iskombinirajte this by formatting the memory, and user applications and documents (photos, video) and promised 32GB memory pretty quickly disappears.
Of course, this can not blame only Samsung. As technology and operating systems advance, the demand for data space increases. The same problem faces new HTC One M9, instead of 32GB, the user gives a real 32GB of use.