US actor George Clooney and his wife, Amal Britain Alamudin-Clooney, want to adopt a child, transmitted tabloids.
- Clooney and his wife, who were married from 27 September of this year, want to adopt a child from one of the countries affected by war. They therefore seek to draw public attention to the plight of orphans from war-affected countries, such as Syria, the newspaper "Vomans Store Day".
The magazine added that they probably want to adopt a child in the example Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie who have adopted three children.
Clooney, who has 53 years, and his 37-year-old wife have children from previous relationships. They were married at the end of September in Venice, where the ceremony was attended by numerous guests from Hollywood, and it was followed by the media and many tourists from around the world.