
NASA provides: Extreme cold, hunger, mass death and great earthquakes

In some extreme weather, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes in America that are more common, people are starting to wonder whether the United States actually has the best laboratory for extreme weather conditions.

The cycle of extreme low temperatures and storms is just the beginning of a long-term period beginning with the reduction of solar energy naturally. Hence the human factor using Chemtrails reduce the intensity of solar period to reduce global warming and thus causing the "Little Ice Age"?

According to the scientist and NASA climatologist John Casey, record snow and cold in New York and the United States are just starting to thirty cycle extreme cold to continue due to the reduction of solar energy emitted to the country'

If Casey is right, not just as a huge number of people will freeze and starve, but expect great earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are possible in some parts of the planet.

Ice and early winter swept almost the entire continent of the United States, and Casey thinks that this period will last for decades.

This former engineer and consultant in NASA has published his provocative book called "Gloomy winter, the sun will throw cold which will last 30 years," which warns of radical changes in the global book and that Al Gore and other environmentalists are wrong.

Earth cools and he says it with great speed. If world leaders do not react very quickly not expect dark and cold days.

"If you look at global temperature curve for the last 100 years, you'll see that coming a sharp decline which occurred after 2007. It was the sharpest drop in global temperature over the last 100 years.