
Facebook disliked as before!

The popularity of Facebook among young people continues to fall, as new users increasingly are turning toward applications in real-time messaging and social network rival - Twitter.
A new report by Frank N. Magid Associates, which is reported by Bloomberg says that the use of Facebook among young people aged 13 to 17-years in the US fell from 95 percent in 2012 to 94 percent in 2013 and to 88 percent in 2014, while Twitter rose by 2 percent, to a total of 48 percent in the same period.

Although not very significant decline empowers Facebook downward trend in demography the most important social network - the young, who have the greatest potential to increase the popularity of the site.

A strong reason why teenagers are abandoning Facebook was the perception that the social network is not reliable. Only 9 percent of respondents described Facebook as "safe" or "reliable", while 30 percent of them used the same words to Pinterest.

Facebook slow decline in popularity among teenagers is nothing new of course. A similar study earlier this month concluded that Facebook just was not "cool", while another report published in October found that social network use among 13 to 19-year-olds had fallen so far dramatic: 72 percent respectively to 45 percent, from spring to autumn 2014.

" The Interview" the most downloaded movie !

The much-discussed film "The Interview" was the best-selling movie downloads Google Play and YouTube Movies Christmas day.
The comedy, which is played by James Franco and Seth Rogen, is listed as the main film on both sites in the US, said according to Variety.

The popularity of this film has surpassed even that of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "The Maze Runner" in the list of downloads of movies.

Sony has released controversial movie streaming in both major internet sites, as well as through Microsoft Xbox Video on Christmas Eve.

Even some independent cinemas in the US also have started with the film on Christmas day.

The appearance of the film, however, was limited after the attacks made against the company Sony by 'Guardians of Peace'.
The group had threatened cyber attacks against cinemas that show the film, making the Sony temporarily to withdraw the film and its release to the public.

Noise created around the film has to be the same online also dismissed from various torrent sites.

Model committed suicide as the sad secret was discovered by her boyfriend

The model of Latvia, Laura Pakhomov (23) committed suicide by jumping from a hotel in Manchester, and the investigation two years after her suicide found that the model decided that when her former boyfriend Martin Riley have discovered her parents that she works as an escort lady.

The message that was left for the family wrote "you deserve a better daughter." At the end of September 2012 Laura Pakhomov jumped from a hotel in Manchester.

Her father, who believed it worth studying, received her farewell note saying, "You deserve a better daughter", which was written just before the jump from the hotel in Manchester.

In a message left on his father clearly accuses boy and apologizing to the family members.

"Please forgive me. Many love you. I lost my mind. The moment I did not know what to do so I made mistakes, but I know you're good. Earlier I was scared, but no more. It is my fault. Nothing can save my soul. Take care of yourself, and you watch, you and I, "the message she wrote.

Laura on her boyfriend had threatened that he would kill her if they find doing. Because he was first detained as a suspect after she killed, but there was not enough evidence to be convicted. He prtehodno conviction for harassment of girls. Earlier also was about a lady escort, and later threatened and finally contacted her family and they are found.

Laura Pakhomov came to Britain in 2008. She started working in a factory as a model. Martin met in 2011 while working as an escort lady.

When Laura no longer want to be seen with Martin, he began and threatened to tell her parents that she is engaged. He made a fake profile on internet again to find her, but she escaped when she saw. Because e-mail sent to her parents where they are explained.

Then the family received a farewell message to her father and told him to come home, to which she replied "you deserve such a daughter."

Went to the balcony of his apartment and jumped. Her friends say that Martin had banned, and that Laura was otherwise sensitive girl.

Leonardo DiCaprio and model Toni Garn break up after one year and half together

40 year old Leonardo DiCaprio is single again.
He has had to go out among the many models that are Gisele and Bar Refaeli Bundshen.

Actor past year and a half was about 22 year old Toni Garn also Victoria's Secret model, but that relationship came to an end.

She and DiCaprio never appeared together on the red carpet, but because paparazzi often photographed sporting events and parties.

The news of their separation following information that Leonardo weekend left a club in Miami along with believe it or not even 20 girls.

The economy of China overtake the United States and already № 1 in the world

China's economy may already be considered as the biggest in the world, according to Fox news, citing data from the International Monetary Fund.

 In their economic production of Asians far is 17.6 trillion, while in the US it is 17.4 trillion.

About a month after China ride parity of its purchasing power as the highest share in the world economy. After the volume of gross domestic product stood before Chinese Americans since April 2014 year.Now a really Chinese economy has become the largest in the world and above forecasts of experts, who expected it to happen next year. So for the first time since President US Grant overthrown the leading economic power on the planet.

The reason Americans behind, and production volume produced in China is due to the reduction of many jobs and export factories in other countries due to the high cost of labor in the United States. The only jobs that can not be exported now are those in health, public administration and services. The only indicator that remains America's Asia production of gross domestic product per capita. Here the Chinese have yet to catch up about 75%, before they can be declared the richest country in the world.

Before New York is the biggest threat in history

New York, the US city with approximately 9 million people and rich culture, history and finance, is located in a dangerous area of climate change.

Some say they have already arrived. New York is found most sensitive capital growth of sea level, and are estimated to be affected 2.9 million people and destroyed property worth 2.1 trillion if sea levels continue to rise, writes Business Insider.

Hurricane Sandy is just one symptom of global warming and the first warning sign. Terrible winds Cornelia trees and power lines, destroyed cars and houses. Thousands of homes in New York suddenly left without electricity. It is estimated that the city lost about $ 25 million in operating activities.

How to be a disastrous Sandy was just warning appear worse. Previous generations experienced only one hurricane scale of Sandy, and it is estimated that future generations will experience 20 such. Although climate change is principally due to rising sea levels and rising temperatures will increase the scale of storms. As the earth warms, more water vapor, which is fuel for hurricanes, enters the atmosphere.

No, but the air to become warmer. How many oceans are heated, as Hurricane Sandy occurring in the Atlantic, will become more intense. The sea level will rise, and floods will become more frequent. Finally, it is estimated that large parts of New York will be flooded.

Sea level in New York rose by a meter and a half since the mid 1800's. As a result, dangerous waves can now flood Manhattan 20 times more than was possible 170 years ago.

It is estimated that the beaches will disappear entirely. The average temperature in New York in the coming years is expected to grow from 27 to 33 degrees Celsius. The trend of constant heating is from the 19th century, writes Business Insider.

There are plans to prevent the destruction of America's largest city, which include green "buffer zone" called "Big U". The plan is lower Manhattan to encircle the artificial embankments, gardens and green hills. The project already approved $ 350 million of state funds, and the beginning of construction is expected in the next few years.

Monica Bellucci is the new girlfriend of James Bond

Attractive Italian actress Monica Bellucci is the new girl in the world's most famous agent James Bond.

Fifty actress will be the partner of Daniel Craig. This is a new, given that Bond has always younger girls. But this time the choice fell on the beautiful Bellucci.

The official photo Bellucci appeared very enthusiastic in narrow black dress with red spots through which once again stated that her age is just a number and that it can enviable much younger colleagues.

This film will be an exception for another thing, namely the popular agent Bond will have two girls.

Asteroids can destroy Mankind

If you do not make a greater effort to detect, monitor and possibly destroying asteroids, these celestial bodies could destroy humanity, warn scientists. Lord Martin Rees, Brian Cox, Richard Dawkins and another 100 experts met in London to discuss the biggest threats to humanity. They urged world governments to make joint efforts to create a system to detect asteroids and prevent those with large size to reach the Earth.

They adopted a declaration that called on States to take all necessary steps to develop a system for tracking asteroids that are close to our planet, and that next year will be formally celebrated 30 June, when the asteroid hit Tunguska in Siberia and will be declared the "Day of the asteroids". Declaration signed scientists, artists, astronauts and business people from more than 30 countries. In their opinion, the proclamation of the Day of the asteroid, will help raise awareness about the dangers of celestial bodies pose to humanity.

"Our ancestors were right when they believe that heaven and movement of cosmic bodies affect life on Earth. Just not in the way they thought they affect. Sometimes these celestial bodies may collide with our planet. So we need to find them before they do not find us, "said Reese.

Asteroid hit the June 30, 1908, and then destroyed all species within a radius of 2,150 square kilometers

"NASA has done a great job of finding those large objects - those who would destroy the human race. However, not many of these large asteroids and very little chance they pose a threat. I am more concerned that those "average", which has a larger number could destroy entire cities and to prevent the development of the world economy in the future for a few hundred years, "said Ed Lu, an astronaut who has resided in three times international cosmic station.

Dr. Brian May, astrophysicist and guitarist of the band "Queen" also supports the plan.

"The more we learn about asteroids and how much damage it can cause, it becomes clear that humanity lives on credit. Currently we know less than one per cent of the universe, or 1% of the asteroids that can compare with the one that fell to Siberia in 1908. Nobody knows when it might happen next big hit, and we need only one, "said Mae.

Discover the human record 500,000 years old

The drawing of the fossilized shell found in Indonesia, perhaps the oldest record of a human ancestor ever found, claim a team from the Dutch University of Leiden.

As I said Rainsford, engraved drawing, which can be seen only under thinned lighting is at least 430,000 years old, which means that the work of extinct human ancestor.

Until now, the oldest known human entry was dated about 130,000 years.

If the results of the survey are confirmed, it will fundamentally change the current knowledge of the development of human culture.

- It could lead to a new writing of human history, told the BBC's Newsnight program, Stephen Manro, one of the participants in the research and author of the study.

Scientists from hundreds of fossils of freshwater mussels in place Trinil the Indonesian island of Java, has found a Dutch researcher Eugene Dubois in the late 19th century, and are kept in the Center biodiversity "Naturalis" in Leiden.

During the process of dating, researches found that engraved sample precedes process fossilization of shells, that is old between 430,000 and 540,000 years.

Manro says this discovery confirms the theory that Homo Erectus was more agile and  more intelligent than previously believed.

- When we see something, whether it is an act of artistic or symbolic sign it immediately we rewrite itself, as something that is characteristic only of modern man, he mentioned.

He said there is still a clear difference between Homo sapiens and Homo Erectus, and that this our distant ancestor was even more similar than previously thought.

Mysterious Fog in Hungary!!!

About 40 thousand households in a suburb of Budapest today remained without power because of ice rain and fallen trees in January stopped their work said Hungarian Agency for emergencies.

Ice with a depth up to 10 centimeters and be bound trees, branches and whole trees are crushed endangering the entire forest at an altitude of less than 400 meters that are closed to avoid accidents.

In one district of Budapest, the Hungarian authorities ordered the parents to send their children to school because of the way it would have to spend under fallen trees.

Because of this photography, father is punished with death

Family Arabi is in shock after Iran's Supreme Court upheld the death sentence was judicial of Soheil Arabi.

Supreme Court of Iran upheld the box Court in Tehran, according to which 30-year-old Soheil Arabia condemned to death by hanging for a photograph set on Facebook. It is "caught" moment of tenderness between him and his daughter - photography court declare "insulting the prophet" for which there is a death sentence.

"It's terrible for someone to be sentenced to the gallows just because you put something on the internet that someone else is considered offensive. Iran must as soon as possible to work on punitive measures and discard provisions expression of free will consider it a crime, especially when it comes to the death penalty, "said Eric Goldstein, deputy director of the organization Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa .

Soheil the Stara and his wife were arrested in November last year. The Stara was quickly released, but Soheil was kept in solitary confinement for two months, and it was questioned without a lawyer.

Since last year, Iranian security services more strictly control the Internet and severely punish users of social networks who publish things that they consider unsuitable.

In 2014 measured a record high temperature

With temperatures measured between January and October of continents and oceans, 2014 may prove to be the warmest year ever in 1880, the World Meteorological Organization.

High temperatures contributed to widespread flooding in many countries, says the UN organization.

- If the trend is maintained in November and December, 2014 is likely to be the warmest year ever recorded and will exceed 2010, 2005 and 1998, it is stated in the assessment of the organization for 2014, published today in Lima, where water international negotiations on climate change.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), meanwhile announced the results of research on the survival of polar bears will be challenged at the end of this century, if not reduce the broadcasting of harmful gases that warm the world's climate.

Climate change threatens the already critically endangered ecosystems in the Arctic Ocean, causing a marked reduction in the number of polar bears.

The polar bears are threatened by hunger and lack of breeding around the Canada-Arctic archipelago.

PHOTO: Fashion of British Fashion Awards 2014

Great night of the British fashion industry attracted designers , models, stylists, journalists, fashion editors, actors, musicians and photographers in London. Last night was awarded the British Fashion Awards the most successful of the passing year.

Victoria Beckham won best brand, Kara Delavin was named best model Nicholas Geskier of Louis Vuitton won the title of best international designer, Emma Watson received the award best style, and Alexander McQueen was reserved best designer award on the red carpet.

Controversial John Galliano it presents Anna Wintour Award for huge achievement. During his speech, the chief editor of Vogue failed to hide the tears and did not forget to thank your children called their greatest achievements in life.

Although a ceremony that puts the best of fashion pedestal, the red carpet was no particularly striking stylistic goals.

Victoria Beckham posing in long pleated skirt and blouse from their own collection, Rita Ora paraded along with Tom Ford who created her dress Rihanna wore only a jacket by Stella McCartney, and Kara Delavin and Suki Waterhouse were wearing creations by Burberry.

Anna Wintour on the ceremony chose creation of Galliano, her daughter would Shaffer wore a dress by Alexander McQueen, while Emma Watson appeared in white overalls from Misha Nonu and voluminous jacket.

Julien Macdonald was responsible for the look of Nicole Scherzinger, Olivia Palermo chose yellow skirt from Emilia Viksted and Naomi Campbell stole part of the elegance of Alexander McQueen.

See what the stars wore it and evaluate their style:

The war in Syria took around 200,000 lives

More than 200,000 people have been killed in the civil war in Syria, said Syrian Centre for Human Rights based in London.

According to the center, which are based on information from activists in Syria, more than 63,000 of the dead were civilians, of which 10,377 are children.

The organization also stated that the conflict killed 76,000 government troops and allies, as well as 60,000 rebels and jihadists.

More than three billion people worldwide use the Internet

Three billion people worldwide currently use the Internet, and Denmark has the fastest rate of growth of new users, the report of the UN.

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN, which produces an annual report on telecommunications, prepared a list of countries that have the highest number of internet user, as well as countries in which the Internet is the fastest spreading.

When it comes to the number of IP addresses per user, Denmark is located in the first place, South Korea is second, followed by Western Europe. Steady growth of Internet users is registered in the United Arab Emirates, Fiji and Thailand.

By the end of this year about seven billion people will use mobile Internet, which is the equivalent to the number of people in the world. Although mobile Internet is crucial for those who live in rural and underdeveloped areas, many of these seven billion users who have multiple accounts and live in economically strong societies.

Global use of the Internet in 2014 increased by 6.6 percent, mainly thanks to the users of developing countries. In the last five years the number has doubled.

From 4.3 billion people without Internet, 90 percent live in underdeveloped countries.

How many years of our life away pollution?

London fog, smoke over the Ruhr area. It is an old legend. Air pollution in these areas is declining. Air quality in Europe in recent decades has significantly improved. Nevertheless, the concentration of toxins is still high enough to pose a danger to health. It shows the results of a survey of the European Agency for the protection of the environment (EUA) based in Copenhagen. EUA examined about 14 thousand industrial plants and power plants in order to calculate the costs arising from air pollution. They, according to the results for 2012 amount to at least 59 billion euros and a maximum 189 billion euros, depending on the model of economic damages.

Air pollution is not reduced especially in cities, where they live most of the European population, the measured percentage of harmful ingredients such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide and fine dust often exceeds the limit. "Half of the cost caused by pollution created by one percent of industrial plants. It's scary, "said Director of EUA Hans Brujninks. The second finding is that among the 30 major air pollutants are 26 thermal power plants - mostly from Germany, then from Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. But the chemical and steel industries produce large quantities of hazardous substances in the air. "That one of the biggest polluters are eight plants in Germany, it is nothing new.

But they must be emphasized that the absolute amount they produce huge amounts of carbon dioxide, but relatively speaking, still produce electricity more efficiently than power plants in Eastern Europe and France, "says Arne Felerman European Bureau of Environmental Protection. EUA five years working on this research. In the period from 2008 to 2012 the cost of pollution was at least 329 billion euros, and up to 1.053 billion euros. EUA also presented data that near these industrial plants grow and the cost of hospitalization, mostly because of heart or respiratory disease, the number of deaths and the number of sick leave.

But society also pays and the loss of working days due to damages caused by poor harvests, and because of the growing consumption of energy, he says. Therefore, Felerman says must ask the question: what will happen to the industry? If we want to achieve energy goals or accept pollution as a necessary evil? And how much it will cost?

10 incredibly strange laws in the world

When you travel in the world, it is not bad to explore the local laws and traditions. This will not only save you trouble, but also can spend the rest better, it said. "Daily Mail".

1. Only a qualified electrician can change the bulb in Victoria, Australia

How many people are needed to replace the bulb? Nikolku Victoria. In the second most populous state in Australia is illegal to change a light bulb, if you are not a licensed electrician. The rebels, who are opposed to this law are liable to fines of up to 10 Australian dollars.

2. In Milan there that the citizens to smile all the time, otherwise threatened fine

Milan has a legal obligation to smile all the time, except for funerals or hospital visits. Namurtenposta threatens solid fine.

3. In Florida it is illegal to emit gases in a public place after 18:00.

Thursdays at 5.59 pm is good. But then it can be considered to cause public offense, so the best home run to do it alone.

4. In the UK it is illegal to die in the parliament building

This law was chosen for most apsurdnen in the UK in 2007. "People who know about these things, they say that there is no basis for such a law, not to mention that there is no such written anywhere in the world," said a spokesman for the House of Representatives .

5. Oklahoma illegal donkey to sleep in the bath after 19:00.

There is no problem if your donkey is awake and just enjoy a little time to relax. But there is a problem if you doze off in the middle tub with bubbles.

6. In Canada Law one of five songs on the radio must be sung by Canadian

It is great for fans of Justin Bieber and not so scary for a normal person. According to the Canadian Commission for Radio and Television (CRTC) at least one fifth of the songs should be met by Canadian singers.

7. Japan is forbidden to be fat. And this in a country that gave the world sumo wrestling

In 2009, deputies found a maximum of half, which means that every man over 40 should have a waist over 78 inches, and for women is 89 cm.

8. Cleaning the toilet after 22:00 pm is illegal in Switzerland

Cleaning the toilet after 22:00 pm in a residential building is illegal in Switzerland. Government sees it as noise.

9. Chicago's against the law to eat in a place where there is a fire

No matter how delicious pizza is, if the restaurant is lit, you can not hang around.

10. In Germany it is illegal to complete your gas on the highway, as well as walking on foot after avtopatatot

So the people who lost their cool, you should use the siren to attract attention. The penalty for endangering other drivers is 80 euros

VIDEO Cosmonauts will run through the solar system with a "glass cockpit" of Orion

Orion spacecraft NASA - ready for its first test flight in space unmanned Thursday (December 4) - will probably have a "glass cockpit", which will allow future cosmonauts and travelers easily navigate through the solar system, writes Universe Today.

If it's good enough for passenger aircraft such as the Boeing 787, it must be good enough for the universe. The use of glass in the cabin means less weight on the aircraft and also require less fuel is needed to raise the rocket.

The glass cockpit is not yet ready for the first test flight of Orion. The first flight of Orion will rushes through space and return to Earth with a quick entry into the atmosphere to examine whether working heat shield will have to protect future manned.

Still interested already come to see flying and test flight of Orion which in 2017 or 2018 will "see" the deepest universe since the Apollo when manned module will go into research through the solar system.

The aim is eventually astronauts to spend the whole solar system - to the moon, to an asteroid or even Mars.

The animated video shows how it would look future space flight.

Luxury award if you are popular "Facebook" or "Instagram"

Probably you never assumed that if you are popular in social media, it can bring you some advantages. But obviously this type of popularity can pay off well.

Luxury hotel in Sweden offers a free stay of guests that are popular on the "Facebook" and "Instagram". Hotel "Nordic Light" in Stockholm recently announced it would accept "social currency" instead of cash.

Where's the catch?

It is a really serious numbers. You need to have at least 2,000 friends on "Facebook", 100,000 fans of "Facebook" or 100,000 followers of "Instagram" to get a free seven nights at the hotel, where one night costs $ 360.

Why the need to be so generous?

Because you create a little work of nature marketing.Vo exchange for free services, the hotel will use your high status of social networks. If you are popular on "Facebook", should share a post about the hotel, when you make the reservation, one in accommodation and one at the time of leaving. Moreover, should like page hotel and tag him in accommodation and abandonment.

If you are popular on Instagram, you can share a post when you make a reservation, one in accommodation and one at the time of leaving. You will need to use the tag #nordiclighthotel opinions and tag Nordic Light Hotel when you are in the hotel.

And what will happen if you fail to do one of the above?

You will have to pay the full amount for the stay. However, as several sharing social network, in exchange for 7 nights in one of the most luxurious hotels in Stockholm?

According of Mazhevski Marcus, executive director of the hotel, no wonder that the hotel considers social media posts to form the "currency", because they are offered in the service of the hotel.

Rihanna appeared on the red carpet just with coat

Popular singer Rihanna stops to push the boundaries, especially when it comes to choosing clothes. That was the time when the singer appeared on the award of the British fashion awards in Long coat.

British Fashion Awards is one of the most important fashion events of the season, a beautiful singer bravely wore the deep hole that emphasized her cleavage.

Come to the fore and large tattoo that Rihanna has under his chest.

Panic in the US: Hackers began attack of the largest companies

American "FBI" warned companies that hackers use "malware" to perform destructive cyber attacks in the US, similar to the one experienced company "Sony Entertainment Rictures".

Cyber experts warn that what they experienced "Sony" is the first major destructive cyber attack against a company on US soil. Such attacks have so far been registered only in Asia and the Middle East, but none has ever been performed in the United States.

The report "FBI" did not specify how many companies were targeted for attack because the US agency otherwise publish their documents in the names of the "victims". On the "FBI" stated that now the "invaders" are unknown.

In Reliable warning of "FBI", published yesterday, are the technical details for "malicious software" which is used in the attack, as well as advice to protect corporations. Document by email is forwarded to some US companies are asked to share further information.

The reaction of the US Agency following last cyber attack "unprecedented" for which the sending of e-mail in the company "Sony" not worked seven days and currently disabled and other systems.

The attack was carried out in awkward moment for the company that is prepared to "drop" a few awaited films during key movie season during the holidays.

A spokeswoman for the "Sony" said the company returned part of the important services and to cooperate with authorities who are investigating the case.

US media say the "Sony" explore the possibility that stand behind that attack hackers from North Korea, who wanted to punish the film corporation for its support of the comedy "Interview" in which "CIA" recruited two journalists to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong.