
The economy of China overtake the United States and already № 1 in the world

China's economy may already be considered as the biggest in the world, according to Fox news, citing data from the International Monetary Fund.

 In their economic production of Asians far is 17.6 trillion, while in the US it is 17.4 trillion.

About a month after China ride parity of its purchasing power as the highest share in the world economy. After the volume of gross domestic product stood before Chinese Americans since April 2014 year.Now a really Chinese economy has become the largest in the world and above forecasts of experts, who expected it to happen next year. So for the first time since President US Grant overthrown the leading economic power on the planet.

The reason Americans behind, and production volume produced in China is due to the reduction of many jobs and export factories in other countries due to the high cost of labor in the United States. The only jobs that can not be exported now are those in health, public administration and services. The only indicator that remains America's Asia production of gross domestic product per capita. Here the Chinese have yet to catch up about 75%, before they can be declared the richest country in the world.