
Because of this photography, father is punished with death

Family Arabi is in shock after Iran's Supreme Court upheld the death sentence was judicial of Soheil Arabi.

Supreme Court of Iran upheld the box Court in Tehran, according to which 30-year-old Soheil Arabia condemned to death by hanging for a photograph set on Facebook. It is "caught" moment of tenderness between him and his daughter - photography court declare "insulting the prophet" for which there is a death sentence.

"It's terrible for someone to be sentenced to the gallows just because you put something on the internet that someone else is considered offensive. Iran must as soon as possible to work on punitive measures and discard provisions expression of free will consider it a crime, especially when it comes to the death penalty, "said Eric Goldstein, deputy director of the organization Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa .

Soheil the Stara and his wife were arrested in November last year. The Stara was quickly released, but Soheil was kept in solitary confinement for two months, and it was questioned without a lawyer.

Since last year, Iranian security services more strictly control the Internet and severely punish users of social networks who publish things that they consider unsuitable.