Three billion people worldwide currently use the Internet, and Denmark has the fastest rate of growth of new users, the report of the UN.
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN, which produces an annual report on telecommunications, prepared a list of countries that have the highest number of internet user, as well as countries in which the Internet is the fastest spreading.
When it comes to the number of IP addresses per user, Denmark is located in the first place, South Korea is second, followed by Western Europe. Steady growth of Internet users is registered in the United Arab Emirates, Fiji and Thailand.
By the end of this year about seven billion people will use mobile Internet, which is the equivalent to the number of people in the world. Although mobile Internet is crucial for those who live in rural and underdeveloped areas, many of these seven billion users who have multiple accounts and live in economically strong societies.
Global use of the Internet in 2014 increased by 6.6 percent, mainly thanks to the users of developing countries. In the last five years the number has doubled.
From 4.3 billion people without Internet, 90 percent live in underdeveloped countries.