Probably you never assumed that if you are popular in social media, it can bring you some advantages. But obviously this type of popularity can pay off well.
Luxury hotel in Sweden offers a free stay of guests that are popular on the "Facebook" and "Instagram". Hotel "Nordic Light" in Stockholm recently announced it would accept "social currency" instead of cash.
Where's the catch?
It is a really serious numbers. You need to have at least 2,000 friends on "Facebook", 100,000 fans of "Facebook" or 100,000 followers of "Instagram" to get a free seven nights at the hotel, where one night costs $ 360.
Why the need to be so generous?
Because you create a little work of nature marketing.Vo exchange for free services, the hotel will use your high status of social networks. If you are popular on "Facebook", should share a post about the hotel, when you make the reservation, one in accommodation and one at the time of leaving. Moreover, should like page hotel and tag him in accommodation and abandonment.
If you are popular on Instagram, you can share a post when you make a reservation, one in accommodation and one at the time of leaving. You will need to use the tag #nordiclighthotel opinions and tag Nordic Light Hotel when you are in the hotel.
And what will happen if you fail to do one of the above?
You will have to pay the full amount for the stay. However, as several sharing social network, in exchange for 7 nights in one of the most luxurious hotels in Stockholm?
According of Mazhevski Marcus, executive director of the hotel, no wonder that the hotel considers social media posts to form the "currency", because they are offered in the service of the hotel.