
The real color of the infamous dress is blue-black

The Internet is flooded with famous dress, and the debate surrounding it focuses on the color of the dress.

The real color of the dress is black with blue, but some people perceive as the dress be white and gold color.

It is a kind of optical illusion where the yellow light in the background makes the dress look like it has a golden color. The human brain alone choose how to display the dress.

This is just proof that can happen to the human perception of color when we see light in color.

Died actor Leonard Nimoj

US actor Leonard Nimoj, known for the role of doctor Spock in the sci-fi TV series "Star Trek", died today at 83 th year of life.

Death appearances at his home in Los Angeles after a long battle with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Nimoj last year tweeted that stopped smoking more than 30 years, but "it was not early enough."

Besides practicing acting Nimoj directed films, wrote prose and poetry, deal with photography and music.

The ice in the Arctic could be completely melted for 40 years

The ice in the Arctic could be completely melted for 40 years, as a result of global warming, warns one of the leading experts in the field of climate change, quoted by MailOnline.

According to the Nobel Prize, Professor Oleg Anisimov, there is evidence that polar temperatures are rising four times faster than temperatures in other regions of the planet. This means that in 2050 in the Northern Zone will have only water and a few icebergs in the North Pole area, says Russian scientist.

Professor Anisimov to the State Hydrological Institute in St. Petersburg addressed this warning during a lecture in Jakutija - the coldest region of Russia.

He predicts that average temperatures in Jakutija will increase to seven degrees within a century.

"For several reasons the Arctic climate is changing significantly more intense and faster than in other regions. Reduced the amount of snow and ice that have a protective function, "explains Anisimov. According to him, last year the minimum area of ​​ice cover has been reduced from 5.4 to 5.3 million square kilometers. In the past 10 years in the Arctic sea ice decreased by 13.7 percent.

"It is possible that by the middle of the century the Arctic Ocean more ice," said Professor Anisimov.

Environmentalists and specialists in the field of climate change has long been aware of the developments in the Arctic as a result of the rise in global temperatures. Sea ice is already at the lowest level since records began. The organization WWF warns that the increase in temperature of only two degrees Celsius, may be enough to melt the main ice mass. In addition, climate change could threaten delicate ecosystems and marine life.

Comparing the contemporary map Jakutija to that of 1884, stated that a number of Arctic islands disappeared under the sea. Shocking footage of Siberia show buildings destroyed because of the constant melting ice.

Professor Anisimov says that if global temperatures rise by 0.85 degrees for a period of 100 years, then Jakutija winter temperatures will rise by 2.5 degrees.

Other scholars assume that mysterious craters that appear in Russia, caused by the melting of permanent ice, causing an explosion and release the gas.

9 signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

Dementia is a chronic organic psycho-syndrome characterized by deterioration of intellectual functions such as the ability for remembering, reasoning, problem solving, abstract thinking, spatial and visual assessment, and verbal abilities. There are many causes of dementia, but usually occurs within any of degenerative diseases, primarily Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive degenerative disease characterized by the destruction of mental functions. In the initial stage of the disease is common dilemma specific changes are due to Alzheimer's disease, or due to the normal aging process.

The following list of signs and symptoms will help you solve this dilemma and will show you whether you need to seek professional medical help.

Loss of memory. Due to stress, workload and distraction, all sometimes forget certain names or data and usually it should not concern us. But if the person often forgets information recently learned, forgetting important dates and events later in the day can not remember, or repeatedly asking for the same information can be both an initial stage of Alzheimer's disease. As the disease progresses, so the distortion of memory deepens.
Problems in performing normal activities. People with Alzheimer's disease often have difficulty performing everyday activities previously performed independently without problems. In the advanced stage of the disease, the problems are more pronounced, and the person who is affected by Alzheimer's does not know how to dress or prepare his favorite meal.
Disruption of the ability of thinking and good judgment. In Alzheimer's disease is often impaired ability for good judgment and making reasonable decisions. In fact, it is a loss of the ability to assess the various factors that should be considered before taking a decision. A person who was a lifetime cautious with money, you can start to spend unreasonable for items that do not need it, to give money to strangers or to pay regular bills.
Problems with the interpretation of visual images. In some cases of Alzheimer's disease may occur and vision problems such as inability to estimate the distance or size of a subject, difficulty reading, trouble distinguishing colors etc. If impaired ability to perception, the patient may not recognize his own face in the mirror. However, it should be mentioned that there is no room for concern if vision problems are a result of cataracts or other ophthalmologist disorders.
Problems with speaking and writing. People suffering from this disease may have trouble keeping track or chat. They often do not finish a conversation started, stop and have no idea how to move or repeat what I have said previously. May occur and problems with vocabulary, like using the wrong words or inability to find appropriate words. Example: Not being able to remember the word pajamas person explains in other words - clothing that is used for sleeping.
Problems with orientation in time and space. People who suffer from Alzheimer's often have problems with orientation in time and space, so you can not set the date or time of year, and in some cases get lost, because we forget where they are, how they came to this place and how to return home .
Setting items of unusual places. Setting items of unusual places, losing items, then failure to remembering where they could be, or accusation of stealing other people that steal are features typical of the behavior of persons suffering from Alzheimer's. Normally a person sometimes forget where they left their glasses, but not normally remains in places like the refrigerator or cupboard for shoes, and also is not normal if you blame other people he steal or intentionally hide personal things.
Withdrawal from social activities. As the disease progresses, people with Alzheimer quit their hobbies, social activities and work and avoid contact with other people.
Changes in mood and behavior. In Alzheimer's disease, the person may sharply alter mood without any reason, and maybe a change of character. Often people are distressed, paranoid, suspicious, fearful or confused or easily upset the places where they were previously enjoyable. It is estimated that about 40% of people with Alzheimer's disease suffer from depression.
These changes some people with Alzheimer's disease alone notice in themselves, but often the first to recognize their friends or relatives. In any case, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Do not miss the new solar eclipse next month

The solar eclipse that will block 90 percent of the sunlight will be visible in Europe next month and this is expected to be the biggest event of its kind in the last 15 years.

Moon on March 20th will cast a shadow on the sunlight that reaches the ground in the Balkans is expected to darken around 50 percent of the solar disk.

The full eclipse will be visible in the north of Scandinavia and the Faroe Islands.

The last solar eclipse which was visible for many inhabitants of Earth occurred 11th August 1999.

It is expected that the maximum duration of the total eclipse of the sun next month to exceed two minutes and 23 seconds ahead of the eclipse of 1999.

The next full eclipse of the sun will be visible in Europe will take place in the year 2026.

4 things you expect from Galaxy S6 and HTC One M9!

As March approaches, increase expectations for new models of Samsung and HTC, Galaxy S6 and One M9. To see what new things we want to see ...

1. Metal Design

For the first time, the new Galaxy phone will probably owns housing completely made of metal. So far, the models as Galaxy A7 and Galaxy Note 4 owned metal frame, but it is assumed that the new model will go a step further.
On the other hand, this is not new for HTC, which for several years has implemented this design.

2. 64-bit, octa-core processors

Regardless of the manufacturer, processor of these two models will be the most powerful on the market. Samsung will use its own Exynos 7420 processor, while HTC will use powerful Snapdragon 810th
It remains to see who will be faster!

3. The rear camera of at least 16 megapixels with optical

Galaxy S5 already owns a 16 megapixel camera, is presumably the same resolution will receive a successor, but with optical image stabilization. HTC One M9 is expected to get a 20 megapixel camera on the back and 4 megapixel UltraPixel camera on the front.

4. ahead cameras

Nowadays, quality front camera is a requirement for a good phone. Last year, One M8 comes with a 5 megapixel camera with wide-angle lens. It is expected that Samsung and HTC to re-incorporate wide-angled lenses, which are great for #selfie photos.

Miracle elixir purification lung

If you smoke this is the ingredients that should be entered into the diet

Already widely known many graces the onions and garlic. These products have anticancer effects and excellent prevention of many malignancies. The onion is particularly effective in preventing various respiratory infections.

This Greek spice of historical time is known for its miraculous healing properties. Ginger is also important for the discharge of mucus deposited in the lungs due to smoking.

This stunning yellow spice rich in vitamins and minerals and contains healing omega-3 fatty acids. Turmeric is known for its antiviral, and anticancer antibacterial action, so it is very desirable to this spice found in your daily diet.

The recipe for a potion:

Consumed: The miraculous against cough syrup and cleaning the lungs will need the following ingredients:

- 400 grams of onions
- 1 liter of water
- 400 grams of sugar
- 2 teaspoons turmeric
- Cleaned smaller root ginger


In a bowl put water, sugar, and put to boil. Add onion cleaned, cut into quarters and grated root ginger, the size of a thumb. Pour the turmeric and then reduce the temperature. Cook until reduced fluid twice. Drain, pour in a glass jar, and when cool place the jar in the refrigerator. Take two tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and at night two hours before meals.

This is watch: Elegance and intelligence in one!

LG Watch Urbane follow LG Watch R, the first smart watch with full circular OLED (P-OLED) display that LG has introduced since last year ..

The elegant metal smart clock LG will be presented at the fair MWC 2015. This first fully metallic luxury watch platform Android Wear, intended for urban users.

LG Watch Urbane follow LG Watch R, the first smart watch with full circular OLED (P-OLED) display that LG has introduced since last year.

While LG Watch R is designed for active users, LG Watch Urbane is more formal, and small housing makes it ideal for both men and women.

LG Watch Urbane arrives with a 1.3 inch circular P-OLED screen and LG Watch R, but has a thinner frame. His Stainless steel arrives with silver or gold finish and crafted genuine leather bracelet.

The bracelet may be replaced with any width of 22 mm for the clock to adjust for any occasion or mood of the user.

Here is an intuitive user interface that responds to touch, and LG Watch Urbane is compatible with smartphones that run on Android 4.3 or newer versions.

The miraculous effect of honey with water on an empty stomach

Each of us knows how much benefit brings regular consumption of honey, and you know what happens when coupled with honey and drink a glass of water on an empty stomach?

It is the best way for your body that you can start the day. Fantastic effect of "honey water". This drink has long been used for the relief of various diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes.


To prepare honey sufficient water will be one teaspoon of honey, which should mix it in a glass of lukewarm water. This creates a 30 percent solution of copper which composition is identical to the blood plasma. Honey structure the water and thus increases its medicinal properties, and it is scientifically proven. It's great that the water completely and rapidly absorbed in the body.


Honey water prepared in this way normalize digestion, strengthens the immune system and is particularly useful in treating colds and bronchitis, as well as the purification of the body.

Strengthening immunity

Water with copper enhances the immunity against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Regulation of the digestive system

Honey water fight parasites that live in our bodies to digest and does not allow them to proliferate, normalization the functioning of the cells of these organs.

Weight loss

If you want to lose weight, every day until 11 o'clock in the morning, drink 1.5 liters of water, despite a healthy diet that had to be implemented. This water cleans the digestive organs, improves their food functions and eliminate toxins. With proper diet and exercise, it will help to remove excess weight.

Active feeding Skin

Morning warm the honey water the night before you have made to become lukewarm, and wash your face, neck and decollete area. Thanks to the systematic effect of this healing water comes to improving circulation in the blood vessels and promotes nutrition of skin cells. After washing, wait a little honey to begin to act, then rinse the skin with warm clean water. If this procedure is practiced regularly, the skin will become healthier, fresher and more supple.

Against frequent urination at night

Honey it absorbs water, so that the kidneys and bladder will not burden and will be able to rest at night.

"Samsung" assumes "LupPej" mobile payment

South Korean company "Samsung" officially confirmed that takes American company "LupPej" mobile payment.

The reason for this download is a growing popularity of competitive "Apple Sing", immediately after the presentation attracted a large number of users in the United States.

"LupPej" a system that ordinary POS devices, which already has about 90 percent of the sale, turning them into terminals that support their payment system.

The leader of this project "Samsung" Injong Re, said the company in the future the public will present plans about the new mobile payment service. Rais said the new Galaxy line of smartphones will support this system without release more information about the date of presentation.

Office with support for multiple cloud services

By signing the agreement with Microsoft Dropbox last year, we can see that the company will not "TERA" users to use only their OneDrive solution. When it comes to politics the availability of services on multiple platforms, Microsoft shows that the Office suite of applications is a special service that is not enough just to be available on Android and iOS.

Users of these platforms while they have the chance OneDrive how often users of other solutions such as Dropbox or Box for example. This especially can say that is the case with users of Apple products where you can learn to keep their documents in iCloud.

Microsoft's new policy is to use Office users to work with documents, regardless of the cloud solution used for storage. For this purpose they Despite Dropbox, allowing other cloud services to connect applications and documents stored on them can be opened, modified and re-saved by Office.

In terms of this policy, Microsoft announced two innovations that enable its implementation. The iPad and iPhone, users will now be able to log in and open documents from iCloud directly in Office applications available for the iOS platform. Besides the possibility to connect to iCloud, and already available Dropbox, Microsoft announced that it aims to enable all interested cloud providers.

Change is on the Office Online applications that also get the ability to connect to multiple cloud services. For starters Microsoft announced collaboration with Box, Citrix and Salesforce, and further additional services.

Support for multiple cloud services logs and Android versions of Office, as well as Windows 10 that are currently in the Preview version.

Such decisions have become normal and expected work by Microsoft under the leadership of Satya Nadella. They look to provide their services to as many users, so today it means support for most other platforms due to the lower popularity of Windows.

Hacker group stole a billion dollars to banks worldwide

International hacker group stole around one billion dollars from banks around the world, said the Russian company for security software "Kaspersky Lab".

Hackers from the end of 2013 broke into over a hundred banks in 30 countries worldwide. Gruptata after Get access to the computers of banks through emails and other methods for months studied banking systems. Then hackers programmed ATMs so that withdrew money from them in certain hours of the day or creating fake bank accounts to which transferred money.

Most of the banks in Russia and Eastern Europe, but according to "Kaspersky Lab" target of hacker attacks were the banks in the US, Asia and Western Europe.

How people see you in the first seconds of introduction

Psychologists call it "thin slicing". During the first few moments after you meet someone, many are opting for this person, his status by the intelligence level of promiscuity, writes "Business Insider".

And here's what the science says about who make "heady" conclusions.

Can they believe you?

For how can you believe people decide in a tenth of a second. Researchers discovered Pinston thereby giving a group of students 100 milliseconds to assess attractiveness, competence, aggressiveness and confidence of the actors face.

The second group received much time as they wanted. And while in the second group thought more about the features and trust they need as well as the first group.

Do you have money?

A Dutch study found that people who wear branded clothing, specifically "Lacoste" and "Tommy Hilfiger", are perceives as people with higher status than those who do not wear designer clothes.

"This record has not affected the other dimensions that can leave traces of social interaction. It was important to determine the appeal, trust. Only status," stated the researchers.

Are you straight or gay?

People read male sexual orientation for one second, that the minimum amount of time they need to consciously recognize someone's face.

"The quick and accurate perception of male sexual orientation is perhaps only one rapid and cognitive mechanism for perception of others features," wrote the study authors.

Are you smart?

A study in 2007 found that seeing the person in conversation right eye has a lot to do with how you experience your intelligence.

"Looking at the talk is crucial. It is important associated with IQ-it and manipulate it successfully in cases when there is a need for leaving a good impression," standing in it. Helps and wearing glasses and expressive manner of speech.

Are you promiscuous?

British study found that women with visible tattoos are seen as less attractive, as those who know Priya and promiscuous, while women without tattoos.

"In the UK tattooing among women is often associated with the culture, which typically involves drinking alcoholic beverages, sports, fast cars and consumption of women's magazines."

Are you dominant?

The study at the University of Pennsylvania showed that "men with shaven heads were characterized as dominant than similar men with hair," so when the hair of men was digitally removed began to perceive as dominant, and stronger than when they had hair.

Are you successful?

In the Anglo-Turkish research respondents were asked to look at photos of men in carefully tailored suits and cheap only five seconds. Of course, these were first seen as successful.

"The good thing that came out of these studies is that men can buy a good suit and be perceived as successful," says one of the authors.

Are you adventurous?

People you read only the look, but also the way you move.

Durham University study showed that people who go more relaxed feel like a more open and more prone to adventures, while those with short and sudden movements experienced as neurotic.

Three years after Whitney Houston death

On this day marks three years since the hotel room in Beverly Hills died one of the most popular singers, Whitney Houston.

Whitney died at age 48, the night before the award ceremony of the Grammy Awards, and then thread speculation about the cause of her death, it was reported that the singer drowned in a hotel bathtub, but it contributed to the death of heart disease and the use of cocaine.

Whitney Houston sold over 170 million albums, and according to the Guinness Book of Records, the singer won 415 awards.

Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown is off the ventilator for about 20 o'clock last night, and it is estimated that the official death will perform in the coming hours.

Bobbi Kristina Brown (21), was found a few days ago in a bathtub with no signs of life.

Found the husband Nick Gordon around 10:25 local time in the bathtub in their home in Pink, Georgia immediately and CAGE first aid until police arrived and an ambulance which took her to hospital.

Samsung warns: Smart TVs can eavesdrop!!

This warning applies to all users whose smart TV device has the option of giving voice commands.
South Korean giant Samsung has warned all users of smart TVs can not reveal too much personal information directly to these devices, given that they are able to hear everything spoken before them.

When did this option for setting the voice commands included, TV hears everything talk to him, and that information can be shared with Samsung or another independent company.

Terms explained that the TV will listen to everything people would pronounce the room in which it is located, but it is designed to detect a certain commands which the user may want to perform.

In fact, all the words that you say to TV will be recorded and sent to a third independent company that Samsung probably used to identify and convert speech to text.

Corinne Meksheri, a lawyer who specializes in digital rights, when it is stated that it would be a buyer of this TV, I actually wanted to know who she is a third party in which all data are sent, and whether all the information is stored safe.

- If a user uses the function of recognizing voice commands, voice data they are sent to a third party, ie the server should recognize the desired command that television should perform, said leaders of the company Samsung. They add that the recorded data not hold and sold, and that the owners of smart TVs always know when a voice command is included because it shows an icon of a microphone that can be seen on the screen.

Company for Samsung translates voice is Nuance, confirmed by the South Korean giant.

Cluster growth: Ebola hair and wears more lives!

In the hardest-hit African countries, the number of victims of Ebola increased and surpassed 9,000 dead, WHO published.
The number of victims of the Ebola epidemic grow again in the three worst-affected African countries, surpassing 9,000 dead, the Geneva World Health Organization (WHO).
In Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone from the disease died 9004 people, according to the latest statistics from February 3, said agency Hina.
Epidemic took ten victims in Guinea, bringing the number of deaths in that country rose to 1957 in Sierra Leone, there were new fifteen victims and their number rose to 3,301th
In Liberia disease by 1 February took  3746lives and no new data after that.
Decline in the number of new patients
While the international community is organized in the fight against the epidemic, the decline of new patients in recent weeks instills hope in population.
Efforts are particularly focused on the introduction of reliable procedures for burial of the dead who are part of a good source of contamination.
But new data show that the safety measures are being implemented slowly, which has tragic consequences in Guinea, for example, where the area of the border with Ivory Coast in a buried sick die from virus infected eleven others.

The future has arrived: Make robot whose "mind" people will be able to transfer their memories

Successful business woman from the United States, Martin Rotblat, designed by robot whose "mind" people will be able to transfer their memory and practically will continue to live after death. This controversial prototype received the name "Stage 49". The incredible story of the life of Martin Robl, also received a bizarre epilogue in the form of mechanical robot that physically very reminiscent of her wife Bina.
Martin Rotblat is a woman whose life story one can not leave indifferent. It is a director in America that has changed sex, and living with the same woman with whom he married as a man. She entered the pharmaceutical business for incurable disease to one of his four children - and made billions.

Wife Bina she was introduced while he was a man in 1979. Even at that time Martin destroying taboos and married black woman, which then changed it because of faith and stepped into Judaism. Bina has supported her husband when he decided to change sex in 1994, but the kids still call 'Dad'.

Bina Martin experienced a great family tragedy when they learned that their youngest daughter Dzhenesis suffers from hypertension primary lung cancer, for which there was no cure.

"I believe that the clones are mind of the future"

Therefore, Martin decided to sit idle after a long research and investment, found a way to register the experimental drug, to find investors and to find a way American Health Organization to approve this drug that ultimately failed to save her daughter's life . Dzhenesis now has 30 years and worked in the family firm.

Then after a new challenge: Martin is trying to find a solution for the latest and greatest problem of humanity - death. So did a robotic version of his wife Bina.

he initial version of Robot Bina was designed so that you can conduct basic conversation, and Martin hopes in the future to improve its prototype and thus allow people the opportunity to "life after death".

"I believe that the branches of the mind future and absolutely the greatest invention of mankind. Finally, as we all now want a smartphone or profile of social networks, people will want your own clone. He will help us get a double long life, "said Martin on" Bloomberg News ".

Samsung Galaxy S6 will arrive on March 1st

Samsung again preparing to launch another member of Galaxy S family. According to the invitation that the company began to send, it seems that the event will be held on 1 March in Barcelona will be presented exactly Samsung Galaxy S6.

What is interesting and can be seen from the invitation (pictured above) and many have concluded that the new Galaxy smartphone will be rounded and Note 4 which was released last year.

When it comes to the specifications of the new S6, there were rumors that there will be a chip from Samsung instead of Qualcomm was customary before. It is also assumed that there will be 4GB RAM memory and 5 inch screen.

Samsung recently released a report on the annual profit, so it can safely say is that Galaxy S smartphones are most successful among consumers.

Google better "doctor" of doctors

Although diagnosing diseases using Google usually feature Hypochondriacs still Sitting Rejns the UK thanks to the popular search engine has found that ovarian cancer after doctors concluded that suffers from irritable bowel syndrome.

Namely, Sitting (23) first felt the health problems when she traveled to Australia. Abdominal pain and constipation were the first symptoms, but that it attributed to the change in diet and a new environment. However, health and worsened, and regular check-ups showed that everything was in order.

After returning to the UK and doctors diagnosed "irritable bowel syndrome" and attributed and drugs. But after seeing that after receiving the medication is not better, it "for help" from Google and discovered that the symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Re-examination confirmed that indeed has ovarian cancer in the fourth stage, and the doctors told her and remain one to two years of age.

Although forecasts are not positive, optimistic and Sitting remaining time decided to devote helping others. She advises young people to take care of their health, and her husband started to collect money for the Foundation "Teens Unite Fighting Canser" and collected more than 35,000 pounds, which donated the maternity ward at the hospital "Royal Marsden" where she treated.

Research has shown that every second person will develop cancer

The new analysis of British scientists say that one of the two Britons will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. British Center for Cancer Research claims that this assessment occurred through calculation and replaces previously forecast showed that one in three people will get sick from cancer. Also, longer life expectancy means that more people will be affected by this disease.

Fortunately, the cancer is not inevitable, and by improving the quality of life such as weight loss and quitting smoking can be significantly improved. Good news is that the number of survivors of cancer each year increases.

Surprising jump in black forecast appeared thanks to the precise methods of analysis of the risk of occurrence of cancer. However, new and old methods show the same long-term trend - increasing the risk.

Cancer will occur in 54% of men and 48% among women. Minor problems with cardiac-vascular diseases and infections means that people are starting to live long enough to develop cancer, but the leader of the research professor. Peter Sassi, University of London Queen Marry believes can achieve many things.

- Now we can do many things to prevent the emergence of cancer and I hope that over the years these predictions will be wrong, he stressed referring to the lifestyle that increases the risk of cancer, obesity, consumption of red meat and smoking.

Lung cancer is more common in women. Welcomed lifestyle can reduce the risk of cancer between 50 and 30%. The most common types of cancer are likely to remain prostate cancer and breast cancer. However, more common are the other types such as a tumor of the colon, which occurs due to thickness.

Scientists and doctors believe that we are at a crossroads where through quality strategy for prevention should immediately begin to act, because cancer is easily cured if early detect.

Travel through space with the speed of light!

This amazing animation takes you a unique journey through the solar system and precisely with the speed of light.
Riding Light is a film that lasts 45 minutes and shows how it would look to find the location of a photon that travels from the sun all the way to Jupiter.

- The country, the speed of light works incredibly fast, but when viewed from the perspective of the unseen universe, then you can look even slow, says Alphonse Svajnhart animator.

- This animation is a journey of a photon of light that travels in real time starting from the sun.

Although the video does not describe what would happen to us if we could travel at the speed of light, it uses accurate distances and speeds that will bring the size of the solar system.

- In the animation with a degree of freedom deployed asteroids and planets, but their size and distance is made as accurately as possible, says Svajnhart who decided photon to travel just to Jupiter for this video take less than an hour.

In the upper corner lev can track the distance traveled and the time passed since the photon is "born" in the core of the sun. In the upper right corner, it is counting down the time until the next meeting with a planet.

Svajnhart, renowned animator from Los Angeles, was inspired to do just such a video reading many books related to astronomy.

- After reading several books on astronomy and looked several documentary films, I wanted to illustrate how light is indeed slow compared with the dimensions of the universe.

Prince Charles and Lady Diana wanted to cancel the wedding ?! Wrong?

Author Katherine Meyer, in his latest book, a biography of Prince Charles "Charles - Heart of a King," said he and Princess Diana wanted to cancel the wedding, but for different reasons.

Charles and Diana knew it was a big mistake and that their marriage will be missing: Lady Diana knew that Charles will never be as important as Camilla Parker Bowles, while Prince was afraid to fly into marriage with a girl who barely knew.

The author claims that Charles Meyer was desperate one day before the wedding to Diana in 1981, transferred to "Daily Mail". His assistant told him: "I can not do this."

Found to Diana that engages after about five months, is not what he imagined and it was not "merry peasant" but "sensitive, vulnerable and complicated woman," which already then suffered from problems with food.

A friend of Charles said:

- Always told him that this marriage can be annulled, although assembled in church because Charles was not dedicated, and before the wedding Diana had problems with bulimia.

Meanwhile there were doubts about marriage and the other. The Diana found bracelet which was fireplace, which was engraved initials "GF". It is believed that the initials of Gladys and Fred spent that Charles and Camilla had given each other.

Princess Diana of her biographer Andrew Morton and his sisters receive little confided that he could not marry the Prince of Wales, that such a thing about it is unthinkable. They say that it is impossible to cancel the wedding at the moment when her character is already placed on wipes across England. but she had no idea that her groom has similar doubts and hesitations.

Biography caused great controversy, and the royal residence declared a statement say "exclusive access" which the author had with Prince Charles is a nine minute conversation.

Mayer for "BBC his" stated that the book had based the close contacts we had in the royal family, and had the opportunity to talk to Natesan round of the royal family and their friends.

Men and women are jealous in a different way, and here is why

According to the American University Chapman, what causes jealousy is not the same in both sexes ...

Evolution plays a big role in it, the same survey showed.
Since when are human relationships, there is jealousy, and it is interesting that members of both sexes are jealous of other reasons. Previous research has shown that men are more upset by the idea of sexual infidelity even when no emotion, and women are more upset by the idea of emotional infidelity even when such is not involved physical contact.

Researchers from the American University and UCLA Chapman recently reiterated the above research and came to interesting results.

The research was conducted in four different groups (heterosexual men and women and homosexual men and women), and according to their results, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, on the above theory holds water. Most straight men found the idea their partner to have sex with someone is unacceptable of adultery, which is based only on emotions.
So who is to blame for these results? In fact, they say, are set out in evolution.

The film 'Me and Earl and the Dying Girl' winner of this year's Sundance Festival Wrong?

The film "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" Alfonso Gomez Rehonb, won the Grand Prize at this year's edition of the cult American Independent Film Festival at Sundance, and the decision of the jury and the audience confirmed granting his reward for this story of friendship misfit teenager and sick girl, organizers announced on the official website of the festival.

It should be noted that the simultaneous winning two awards, the jury and the audience in the history of the Sundance festival proved to be a key factor in the progress of the film. So, last year was the "Growth" Richard Lilkater and "Rhythm of madness" Demi Shazel that year in the race for Oscars in several categories, after they were granted the Golden Globes.

The main prize for documentary went to "The Wolfpack" of director Crystal Moselle, whose focus is a New York family with seven children who are studying which house mostly by films that we see.

For directing the documentary film category was awarded to Matthew Heyman "Cartel Land" which asks halls is acceptable to take the law into their own hands when you hold my state institutions and protect against violence and organized crime, and the category of the same film award went to Robert Eggers for his horror dancer titled "The Witch".

In the category of foreign film award went to work "Slow West" of Scottish director John McLean, European classical story of the migration of immigrants to the American Wild West, and in the category of foreign documentaries achievement award winning "The Russian Woodpecker", made during the fiercest clashes in eastern Ukraine.

Best documentary by choosing the audience is "Meru" Elizabeth Chai Vasarheli and Jimmy Chin who deals with the topic of achieving the impossible in the story of three best American climbers Conrad Enker, Jimmy Chin and Renan Ozturk.

This year at Sundance (Sundance) showed 123 feature films from almost 30 countries, of which 106 will be premiered. By selectors arrived 12 166 films, of which four thousand feature more than eight thousand short, according to the official website of the festival.