
Google better "doctor" of doctors

Although diagnosing diseases using Google usually feature Hypochondriacs still Sitting Rejns the UK thanks to the popular search engine has found that ovarian cancer after doctors concluded that suffers from irritable bowel syndrome.

Namely, Sitting (23) first felt the health problems when she traveled to Australia. Abdominal pain and constipation were the first symptoms, but that it attributed to the change in diet and a new environment. However, health and worsened, and regular check-ups showed that everything was in order.

After returning to the UK and doctors diagnosed "irritable bowel syndrome" and attributed and drugs. But after seeing that after receiving the medication is not better, it "for help" from Google and discovered that the symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Re-examination confirmed that indeed has ovarian cancer in the fourth stage, and the doctors told her and remain one to two years of age.

Although forecasts are not positive, optimistic and Sitting remaining time decided to devote helping others. She advises young people to take care of their health, and her husband started to collect money for the Foundation "Teens Unite Fighting Canser" and collected more than 35,000 pounds, which donated the maternity ward at the hospital "Royal Marsden" where she treated.