According to the American University Chapman, what causes jealousy is not the same in both sexes ...
Evolution plays a big role in it, the same survey showed.
Since when are human relationships, there is jealousy, and it is interesting that members of both sexes are jealous of other reasons. Previous research has shown that men are more upset by the idea of sexual infidelity even when no emotion, and women are more upset by the idea of emotional infidelity even when such is not involved physical contact.
Researchers from the American University and UCLA Chapman recently reiterated the above research and came to interesting results.
The research was conducted in four different groups (heterosexual men and women and homosexual men and women), and according to their results, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, on the above theory holds water. Most straight men found the idea their partner to have sex with someone is unacceptable of adultery, which is based only on emotions.
So who is to blame for these results? In fact, they say, are set out in evolution.