The ice in the Arctic could be completely melted for 40 years, as a result of global warming, warns one of the leading experts in the field of climate change, quoted by MailOnline.
According to the Nobel Prize, Professor Oleg Anisimov, there is evidence that polar temperatures are rising four times faster than temperatures in other regions of the planet. This means that in 2050 in the Northern Zone will have only water and a few icebergs in the North Pole area, says Russian scientist.
Professor Anisimov to the State Hydrological Institute in St. Petersburg addressed this warning during a lecture in Jakutija - the coldest region of Russia.
He predicts that average temperatures in Jakutija will increase to seven degrees within a century.
"For several reasons the Arctic climate is changing significantly more intense and faster than in other regions. Reduced the amount of snow and ice that have a protective function, "explains Anisimov. According to him, last year the minimum area of ice cover has been reduced from 5.4 to 5.3 million square kilometers. In the past 10 years in the Arctic sea ice decreased by 13.7 percent.
"It is possible that by the middle of the century the Arctic Ocean more ice," said Professor Anisimov.
Environmentalists and specialists in the field of climate change has long been aware of the developments in the Arctic as a result of the rise in global temperatures. Sea ice is already at the lowest level since records began. The organization WWF warns that the increase in temperature of only two degrees Celsius, may be enough to melt the main ice mass. In addition, climate change could threaten delicate ecosystems and marine life.
Comparing the contemporary map Jakutija to that of 1884, stated that a number of Arctic islands disappeared under the sea. Shocking footage of Siberia show buildings destroyed because of the constant melting ice.
Professor Anisimov says that if global temperatures rise by 0.85 degrees for a period of 100 years, then Jakutija winter temperatures will rise by 2.5 degrees.
Other scholars assume that mysterious craters that appear in Russia, caused by the melting of permanent ice, causing an explosion and release the gas.