
The miraculous effect of honey with water on an empty stomach

Each of us knows how much benefit brings regular consumption of honey, and you know what happens when coupled with honey and drink a glass of water on an empty stomach?

It is the best way for your body that you can start the day. Fantastic effect of "honey water". This drink has long been used for the relief of various diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes.


To prepare honey sufficient water will be one teaspoon of honey, which should mix it in a glass of lukewarm water. This creates a 30 percent solution of copper which composition is identical to the blood plasma. Honey structure the water and thus increases its medicinal properties, and it is scientifically proven. It's great that the water completely and rapidly absorbed in the body.


Honey water prepared in this way normalize digestion, strengthens the immune system and is particularly useful in treating colds and bronchitis, as well as the purification of the body.

Strengthening immunity

Water with copper enhances the immunity against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Regulation of the digestive system

Honey water fight parasites that live in our bodies to digest and does not allow them to proliferate, normalization the functioning of the cells of these organs.

Weight loss

If you want to lose weight, every day until 11 o'clock in the morning, drink 1.5 liters of water, despite a healthy diet that had to be implemented. This water cleans the digestive organs, improves their food functions and eliminate toxins. With proper diet and exercise, it will help to remove excess weight.

Active feeding Skin

Morning warm the honey water the night before you have made to become lukewarm, and wash your face, neck and decollete area. Thanks to the systematic effect of this healing water comes to improving circulation in the blood vessels and promotes nutrition of skin cells. After washing, wait a little honey to begin to act, then rinse the skin with warm clean water. If this procedure is practiced regularly, the skin will become healthier, fresher and more supple.

Against frequent urination at night

Honey it absorbs water, so that the kidneys and bladder will not burden and will be able to rest at night.