
The future has arrived: Make robot whose "mind" people will be able to transfer their memories

Successful business woman from the United States, Martin Rotblat, designed by robot whose "mind" people will be able to transfer their memory and practically will continue to live after death. This controversial prototype received the name "Stage 49". The incredible story of the life of Martin Robl, also received a bizarre epilogue in the form of mechanical robot that physically very reminiscent of her wife Bina.
Martin Rotblat is a woman whose life story one can not leave indifferent. It is a director in America that has changed sex, and living with the same woman with whom he married as a man. She entered the pharmaceutical business for incurable disease to one of his four children - and made billions.

Wife Bina she was introduced while he was a man in 1979. Even at that time Martin destroying taboos and married black woman, which then changed it because of faith and stepped into Judaism. Bina has supported her husband when he decided to change sex in 1994, but the kids still call 'Dad'.

Bina Martin experienced a great family tragedy when they learned that their youngest daughter Dzhenesis suffers from hypertension primary lung cancer, for which there was no cure.

"I believe that the clones are mind of the future"

Therefore, Martin decided to sit idle after a long research and investment, found a way to register the experimental drug, to find investors and to find a way American Health Organization to approve this drug that ultimately failed to save her daughter's life . Dzhenesis now has 30 years and worked in the family firm.

Then after a new challenge: Martin is trying to find a solution for the latest and greatest problem of humanity - death. So did a robotic version of his wife Bina.

he initial version of Robot Bina was designed so that you can conduct basic conversation, and Martin hopes in the future to improve its prototype and thus allow people the opportunity to "life after death".

"I believe that the branches of the mind future and absolutely the greatest invention of mankind. Finally, as we all now want a smartphone or profile of social networks, people will want your own clone. He will help us get a double long life, "said Martin on" Bloomberg News ".