Past few years have seen many attempts by various companies to break the dominance of the game consoles from Sony and Microsoft, but so far it has been mostly unsuccessful. Nvidia's latest console seems to be closest to do it, thanks to the high performance, low cost and the fact that work on Android TV operating system.
Shield is a miniature console, which operates latest processor Nvidia, X1. Mobile super chip promising extraordinarily high performance, two times better than XboX 360, but with 5 times less energy consumption. This means that no problem will be able to ride the popular games like Crysis 3, Portal, Half Life 2: Episode 1, Doom 3, Borderlands 2 ... And not only can "drive", but it will do in Full HD resolution at 60 frames per second. Bravo! Where did all those games? Nvidia open a new market for the games, which already contains 50 popular titles, and is planned to expand to many other games that are already on the Playstation and XboX.
Aside from that, the console of Nvidia will have full Android operating system, which means you can use the whole eco system of Google, which includes about a million different applications. And not only that - X1 chip has no problem to play video in 4K resolution with 60 Hz, which makes Shield console excellent for viewing movies from Netflix (or torrent Pssst) the latest, Ultra HD TVs.
The entire system will be managed through wireless Bluetooth joystick, which will have a long battery life on a single charge, and the ability to voice commands, thanks to the built-in microphone. For fans of watching movies and similar content, there is the remote, which will have the same opportunities.
But what is it that makes the new console Nvidia real competitor gamIng scene? Price. Shield will cost $ 199 with a joystick, which is more than half less than what we offer XboX One and Playstation 4!
Indeed, you may have no performance those two competitors, but we are more than happy with that no problem and fluent play Crysis 3, watch movies in ultra high resolution and having to use a ton of applications. The device and looks real nice and futuristic. Given that a normal Android TV stick with us cost about 100 dollars, 199 dollars for such a powerful device theft. Bravo Nvidia!